Chuck and Richard Huffman make high quality, professional kitchen tools, one at a time, by hand. With over 60 years of woodworking experience between them, they have put their skills to work designing an building what are possibly the best pure-wood chop boards in the world.
Chuck and Richard are both enrolled citizens of the Cherokee Nation. Chuck learned his reverence for nature on the southern Kansas homestead of his Cherokee Grandmother Tinsey Victory. Chuck spent 20 years in the United States Army as a bomb disposal technician, developing an attention to detail and precision that he has shared with Richard.
Richard’s passion for the Danish Mid-Century Modern aesthetic informs his clean, natural designs. Each chop board and knife block is designed to be at home in any modern kitchen.
Chuck and Richard make each board and knife block, one at a time, by hand, in Chuck’s woodshop in Stanwood, Washington. It’s a time consuming process; because of the quality and hardness of the wood used, more than half of the construction process time involves fine hand-sanding to ensure a mirror-like finish. It’s not easy work, but it sure is rewarding.